The Systematics Association was founded in May 1937 as the “Committee on Systematics in Relation to General Biology” to provide a forum for the discussion of the general theoretical and practical problems of taxonomy. An outline of the original objectives of the Association was published in Nature 140:163-164 (1937). The first of the Association`s publications, The New Systematics, edited by the late Sir Julian Huxley, focused on new data from cytogenics, ecology and other fields.

Since then the Association has pioneered discussion on many new developments in systematics and more than 50 Special Volumes have been published. These have included systematic surveys of groups as diverse as haptophyte algae, tetrapods, lichens, free-living flagellates and haematophagous insects. Other volumes have explored fields such as phylogenetic reconstruction, systematics and conservation, genome evolution and the emergence of the biosphere. The Association also publishes books derived from training courses and on general aspects of systematics.


Association for the study of systematics in relation to general biology. 1937.  Nature 140:163-164 | doi:10.1038/140163b0 [paywall]

Systematics in relation to general biology. 1937.  Nature 140:211-212 | doi:10.1038/140211a0 [paywall]